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Welcome to 'BIRTHDAY PARTY' with Jake Kelley, Dylan Graves and Mickey Clark

Some clips exist in the realm of raw ampage - purely charging your psych to go get waves no matter how crappy it is. And out of the thousand-or-so clips clocked, edited and released to the webisphere on a daily basis - there's usually only a small quantity that leave you feeling satisfied that those dedicated 'view minutes' are moments in your life youre happy not being able to retrieve. Jake Kelley's BIRTHDAY PARTY falls under this category.
Jake spent his summer trailblazing local beaches in and around Ventura, pretending like every day was his birthday. And for the waves they scored, you can't really blame him either.
Welcome to BIRTHDAY PARTY - an edit of sessions around California; featuring Jake Kelley, Dylan Graves & Mickey Clark. Graciously filmed by Taylor Curran, Hunter Martinez and Jason 'Mini' Blanchard