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A range of multi-purpose and functional accessories is underway… But probably not the kind you might be expecting.

“Functional design is something that’s always both interested me and driven me creatively– particularly different technologies, working with unique materials and creating products that improve an experience. This carries through all of my design projects whether it be a surfboard, a unique retail concept, a fin, an installation or an accessory.”

Over the last two decades Hayden has worked on a string of design concepts, many of which sit within the Haydenshapes brand and are surfboard specific (new model releases, creating/patenting FutureFlex, steering the development of HSSTUDiO etc)  to other outside personal  design projects across different categories ie. a wave  installation at Semi Permanent, architectural/interior work like designing a retail space & his home, releasing a book and so on.

This upcoming project will be one of Hayden’s more unique design commissions. Westpac have announced the arrival of PayWear – a tap-and-go payment device that is wearable, waterproof and battery free (read more here). It’s more or less the inevitable progression to the task of physically reaching and using a card to pay for something. Like the compact disk, this act and the card it’s self will likely soon be a distant memory (apologies, but this type of thing and the whole topic of innovation within industries tends strike a cord with us – see New Wave Vision and the line up of contributors)  Westpac have invited Hayden  as the first Australian designer to create an exclusive range (likely four different items … that are wearable… so no, it’s not a surfboard or surfboard accessory) to be revealed this December and available for sale in limited quantities early 2018.

Right now, Hayden is working on prototypes and will be sharing parts of design process and concepts on our insta stories every now and again over the next few weeks.  Input and feedback is welcome… Follow here.

“I’m thinking simple, versatile, minimalistic and something you wouldn’t necessarily assume from a visual standpoint would be a tap payment device. The more subtle the better in my opinion. The accessories will be wearable in the surf (like the Essentials PW range) to axe the need to bring a wallet or cash to the beach, but also be something you’d wear anywhere and have an element of style and flavour to them.  The product it’s self isn’t too technical so there is freedom to have a bit of fun with it. It’s a type of device that’s likely going to create a new product category for brands in general, like say, the phone case did. As a designer, it’s an opportunity that I am really grateful to be a part of. “

The range will also be available on our site (date tbc)  for a limited time under ‘Objects’ – a collection that will include other multi functional items/accessories also designed by Hayden (including the rubber ‘terror byte’ shark fin desk-top hard drive pictured above).

Stay tuned for more updates…